Paul McCartney – Classic Rock Pick of the Week
As the 70s era began, my friends and I were still big Beatles fans. What we didn't know, was the fact that the group was about to break up. John had already let the other three know that he was leaving the group late in 1969.
On the upside, all four had no plans to stop creating amazing music. My favorite album from Paul and Linda McCartney was 'Ram.' That album made my summer in 1971. We definitely wore out that album on our turntables.
Shortly after that, in 1971, Paul and Linda formed the group Wings. That band had a good 10-year run and produced hits including Band On The Run, Jet and Helen Wheels among others.
Fast forward to 1976, Paul was back in the US after almost a 10-year absence to kick off the Wings over America tour. Their first show was on May 3rd in Fort Worth, Texas. For this week's Classic Rock Pick, let's look in on Paul performing Band on the Run.
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