Hello, I Love You – Classic Rock Pick of the Week
Is the Whale Time Machine ready to blast out into history? You bet, so let's go!
This week, the dials tell us we are going back to August 2nd 1968. Growing up in the 60s, one of my first thoughts when I think of 1968, is the Vietnam War and the Tet Offensive that occurred in January of that year.
The Vietnam War was a major part of the news reports every evening when we as a family sat down to watch TV, and it hit my family hard when we lost a relative to the war. My Uncle Jim was shot and killed in Vietnam back in March of 1971.
1968 was also the time when The Doors had become a major force in the music world. I June of 1968, Jim Morrison and the boys had released the single Hello, I Love You. It soared up the US singles charts and hit the number one spot in August.
Did you know Jim Morrison wrote the song three years earlier? It's true. The song was released as a single for the album 'Waiting For The Sun.'
For this weeks Classic Rock Pick, take a look back to the 60s with The Doors performing Hello, I love You.
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