New Holiday: National Trick-Or-Treat Day to Start Next Year
According to USA Today, The Halloween Costume Association has been trying to get the government to change Halloween from October 31st to the last Saturday in October. They have a petition that contains more than a hundred and fifty thousand signature in favor of changing the holiday, but so far the government has not budged. So, they decided to make their own holiday called National Trick-or-Treat Day.
National Trick-or-Treat Day has already been added to the National Day Calendar for next year so I guess that makes it official. I hate change as much as the next person, but I honestly don't think this is that bad of an idea.
I think it's easier for parents to take kids trick-or-treating on a Saturday than it would be, say for instance, this year, when Halloween falls on a Thursday. Plus the kids wouldn't have to worry about getting up early to go to school the next day.
A lot of Trunk or Treats, Halloween Parties, and Halloween parades take place on the Saturday before Halloween anyway, so why not let the kids go trick-or-treating that day as well.
My only concern is what will actually happen next year. Will National Trick-or-Treat Day become so popular that kids will actually trick or treat on the Saturday before Halloween? I'm sure some kids will be double-dipping and go trick-or-treating on both the Saturday before and then again on Halloween day itself.
Let us know how you feel about this subject.