Halloween 2020 Will Be Like No Other
And that's not necessarily a good thing. Once I grew old enough that trick or treating on Halloween was not a cool thing to do, the day became something completely different for me. During my years in college, it was just another day. I didn't attend any Halloween parties.
After I got into radio, my participation in Halloween changed. I remember back in the 1980s when we would host a huge Halloween party at local venues. The parties were large up through Halloween 1985. In December of that year, New York State raised the minimum drinking age from 19 to 21.
Our yearly parties continued to be well attended, and we had a lot fun. Although I never really got into wearing a costume. Recently, we've been hosting Halloween parades on Main and Court Streets in Binghamton, but due to the presence of our friend the coronavirus, that put a temporary stop to our parade. I look forward to our Halloween parades and am sad that it won't be happening this year.
Many municipalities have cancelled Halloween events this year, including the traditional trick or treating, but some will still go on, including many trunk or treat events. I don't have kids, but I can imagine it would be tough to tell a child that they won't get to go door to door trick or treating.
This year, I'm going to be at a loss on Halloween. I don't have anything to do or to go to. For over 30 years, I have been a DJ for school dances on Halloween along with a couple others leading up to Halloween. I've looked forward to these dances each year.
I thought about a safe way to give out candy since I'll be at home, but have decided against it. Hopefully next year, we can all get back to a normal, fun Halloween season. But Halloween 2020 isn't all lost. It falls on a weekend (Saturday) and we'll (hopefully) get to observe a rare blue moon, visible to most of the world. The last time this happened was in 1944.

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