When Will Winter Arrive In The Southern Tier
Sure, that's a statement you would normally never hear from me. I hate winter. I dislike late fall and early spring too. So why am I asking this question?
Well, like it or hate it or be indifferent about it, winter is a part of our life in the Northeast, and except for one time, we really haven't experienced a normal winter. Where's the deep snowfalls?
Yea, we've had some cold temperature days and a couple of days where ice was a nuisance, but usually we'd be slammed with some significant snowfalls at this point of winter. I realize that we've got all of February and March to get hit with snowfall, but January usually gives us a couple of nasty snow events.
Do I want to deal with driving in snow covered roads and shovel deep snow? Not really. But last year, I bought a used snowblower, my first ever mind you, and I want to use it. Now that I think about it, maybe that's why we haven't had several heavy snowstorms.
In the meantime, my little snowblower sits in the shed, full of gas, ready to go when Mother Nature decides to let those flakes fly.