It is move in week for BU and SUNY Broome (BCC) students! It got me thinking about all the things these freshmen have never seen or experienced. This bunch was born in 1994, the year of the last baseball strike. 1994!

And, thanks to Beloit College in Wisconsin, I can check my accuracy. They release a "mindset list" every year to give the world an idea of where these kids are "coming from."

here are some things we know/experienced that the incoming freshmen won't:

1. All their lives, Richard Nixon and Jackie Kennedy have been dead.

2. The fact that phrases like “Forbidden Fruit,” “The writing on the wall,” “Good Samaritan,” and “The Promised Land” are Biblical are unknown to them.

3.They have never seen an actual airplane ticket!

4. They have never seen a new leather bound set of encyclopedias.

5. TheTwilight Zone involves vampires, not Rod Serling.

6. Point and shoot cameras have always been passe.

7.Two thirds of independent bookstores have been closed their entire lives.

8. They have always seen people being famous for being famous and not for a talent or skill.

9. Wearing gloves for everything in the medical field has always been normal for them and has nothing to do with the rise of AIDS.

10. They didn't need to stash Playboy, they could get it online!

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