I Miss High School Football
Any other year, at this point of September, we would already be a month into the high school football season. But because of the Coronavirus, the high school football season in the Southern Tier has been pushed back to spring.
Tonight would be an awesome night weather-wise to watch a high school football game too. It's supposed to be partly cloudy with temperatures in the upper 50s to low 60s when kick-off would have been taking place.
Even though Ian graduated from U.E. back in 2013, Chris and I still attend at least one football game a year. First of all I think it's great for us to show our support to the kids. Second of all it's a cheap night out when tickets are only $2 to get in. And you don't have to cook that night because we usually get food at the game to help support the team and the nonprofits that run the concession stands. We've gone to see union-endicott play at Vestal, Binghamton, as well at their home field, Ty Cobb Stadium.

We still have friends whose sons are on the football team, daughters that are on the cheerleading team, and sons and daughters in the U.E. band. One of our good friend's sons plays football for Bighamton High School. We were planning on going to see at least one of his games this fall too.
I just hope that will have enough of a grasp on the Coronavirus by the time the high school football season rolls around in the spring, that anybody who wants to attend the games will be able to go.
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