How To Be Happy At Work
We spend much of our time at work. Let's say, for example, you work 40 hours per week. That's approximately 24% of your time spent away from home, at work. So, why not allow it to make you 24% happier? Here are a few ways to ensure that you're happy (or at least, content) at work:
- You should like your boss (and coworkers) -- or at the very least, respect him or her.
- Make a list of the steps that you can take to become more productive, and then carry them out.
- Focus on the most important task at hand and attempt to finish it before moving on to anything else.
- Avoid chit-chat beyond what's necessary to be social. Save gossip for breaks or lunch.
- Count your blessings! Blessing #1 is that you have a job. Just being employed should have a positive impact on your mood, even if you don't think that your current job is the ideal one for you.