April Is National Donate Life Month
Even though today is last day of April, any day of any month is a good day to become an organ, tissue, or eye donor.
Many years ago while I was having my driver's license renewed, I was asked by an employee at the D.M.V. if I would be interested in becoming an organ donor. Without hesitation, I said yes. The way I look at it is if I can help save someone's life, or help them see, why not do it. It's not like I'm going to need my organs or my eyes after I die. I'm not sure what shape my organs will be in when my time is up, but as long as they are still good enough to be transplanted, I hope they get used.
I think about all the people waiting on national transplant lists. I've read stories where one person's organs saved many lives. I actually had a Strange But True story about a month ago about a man who had a heart transplant and then ran a marathon. The family members of the donor were waiting at the finish line to congratulate him. There was a picture of the father listening to his son's heart beating in another person's body. The father broke down and cried. If it wasn't for that man's son donating his organs the other man might not have been alive to run in that Marathon. You can read that story below.
I believe we are all put on the earth to help each other. So why not help others on your way out? If you're interested in becoming an organ, eye, or tissue donor, get all the information you need on the Donate Life website.
[via Donate Life]
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