What Are You Doing To Keep Busy During The Pandemic?
I'm guessing that could be a loaded question. From those that I've spoken with, at least six feet apart, or by phone, email and text, everyone has a different answer.
Since I have continued to come into work everyday, I am not experiencing any difference in my day since this pandemic began, other than our job has been a lot busier and at times stressful.
I'm trying to understand how it is to be stuck at home for many and how you cope with it. For some of you, you are working from home. Sadly, for some, it's because of being put on furlough or laid off. When I hear the number of people in the United States now in those categories, it makes me very sad. I can only hope that bigger and better things will come your way soon.
No matter what the reason you are spending more time at home, what are you doing to keep from losing your sanity or experience cabin fever? I can imagine you've come up with some creative ways to keep busy. As much as I'd think it's fun to be at home for a long period of time, I'm sure that's not the case.
My Mom has been retired for almost 20 years, and she keeps telling me that being retired with nothing to do is not what it's cracked up to be. So, if or when I reach that point in life, I probably should have a plan in place to keep busy. Ideally, I'd like to travel the country as long as I remain healthy. time will tell.
As we transition back to a more normal life, if that's going to be such a thing, I'm sure we will look at spending a lot of time at home, in a different light.

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