Two Route 434 Work Zones in Binghamton & Apalachin
A couple road work projects on Route 434 could slow traffic in Binghamton and Apalachin this week.
The New York State Department of Transportation says the on-going construction of the pedestrian-bicycle trail between Vestal and Binghamton will close Clubhouse Road from Route 434 to Lennox Drive in Binghamton to all but local traffic as part of the Greenway development.
Meanwhile, there will be alternating lane closures on Route 434 in Apalachin from 7 a-m to 2 p-m daily this week for pavement maintenance.
All the work is weather-dependent.
Also on the schedule this week are projects for the Broome County Department of Public Works.
A signed detour will be in place while the Sherman Creek Bridge is closed for joint repairs starting today. The span will reopen to traffic at around 7 a-m on August 8.
All local traffic will need to seek alternate routes while the bridge is closed.

The county will be doing paving on Main Street and Bridge Street in Kirkwood and the Route 11 ramps as well as on Ouaquaga Road and that may require some lane shifts for traffic.
Culvert replacements on Colesville, Oquaga Lake and Tracy Creek Roads will also continue this week.
Motorists should be aware of mowing all along county roads, patching on Powers Road in Conklin and Hyde Street in Whitney Point and other county roads and ditch work along Farm to Market and Pierce Creek Roads and Old Route 17. Crews will also be painting pavement markings on area roadways.
Motorists should be aware of seasonal roadwork, slow down when they approach work zones and move over for crews if possible.
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