10 Things You Never Knew About Fall
Fall officially arrived at 4:21 this morning, bringing the promise of colorful scenery and warmer clothing. Here are 10 notable things everyone should know about fall.
- Autumn is sometimes referred to as the 'Hectic Beauty of Death'.
- The term equinox is from the Latin meaning equal night.
- The cooler fall weather activates the need for comfort and warmth from others.
- Autumn begins when the center of the sun crosses Earth’s equator, continuing its path around the sun, as this happens the days are shorter and the nights are longer.
- People who live on the equator or central area of the planet, never experience autumn.
- According to Facebook profile patterns, fall is the time when more singles change their status to 'in a relationship' or 'engaged'.
- According to The Weather Channel, pumpkin by far was the most craved-for food in autumn.
- An old fall superstition, catching leaves in autumn brings good luck, every leaf means a lucky month next year.
- The term Harvest Moon refers to the full moon that is closest to the fall equinox, before there was artificial lighting, the full moon was essential to a successful harvest.
- Testosterone levels in both men and women are the highest during the fall months, scientists believe it may be a result of ancient mating instincts.
Enjoy this first fall day! Oh, and don't forget your sweater tomorrow morning.
Click HERE for the Countdown Clock to Fall.