Lita Ford Recalls First Learning How To Play GuitarLita Ford Recalls First Learning How To Play GuitarYou can listen to the full interview with 99.1 The Whale's Matt Guido and Lita Ford, here.Don MorganDon Morgan
NYC Firefighter Rocks the National Anthem on Guitar to Salute Healthcare WorkersNYC Firefighter Rocks the National Anthem on Guitar to Salute Healthcare WorkersFDNY Firefighter serenades healthcare workers with a blistering guitar version of the National Anthem. Check out the video.Steve KingSteve King
Rock Guitar Riff WeekendRock Guitar Riff WeekendWho doesn't love a really good a guitar riff? It's what makes a song really shine.Don MorganDon Morgan
Jimi Hendrix - Our PickJimi Hendrix - Our PickThe way Jimi Hendrix mastered the words can describe it properly. Don MorganDon Morgan