Dear Mother Nature – Would You Please Give Us Spring?
Sure, this isn't something you don't already know or experience pretty much every year, but it always comes up in conversation. It's the fact that the weather in the Southern Tier of New York seems to change from winter to summer, leaving out spring. It's like spring is a third wheel and isn't wanted.
So many times it's like Mother Nature hits a switch and changes the temperature from cold to hot in a short time. Not that I'm complaining about summer temperatures, it's just that I'd like to enjoy as many sunny, low humid days with temperatures that hover just above 70 degrees. That wouldn't be much to ask for, right?
The past few days threw us back into winter, with cold temperatures and a couple days of snow. I noticed a lot of comments on social media complaining that we've had enough. It's time to bring on spring with interruption from winter. I have to agree 100 percent.
Well, Mother Nature apparently wants to play games with us. According to the National Weather Service Binghamton, next week it's possible we could be experiencing temperatures in the upper 70s to low 80.
Yep, winter into summer. We can only hope that temperatures settle down in May to low 70s and low humidity before the heat of summer hits us. With camping season just around the corner, I am ready for a nice, dry spring to start off my six months of heaven in the Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania.
via National Weather Service Binghamton
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