Ever Had A Turkey Pizza, Horse Pills, Possible Rabies Thanksgiving?
That's how I describe my Thanksgiving holiday. This is the second time in a row that I've had a few days off that turned into a disaster.
My holiday started off great. I had written an article a couple weeks ago about how I would be spending my Thanksgiving holiday. One of the things I mentioned was that I didn't really care what our Thanksgiving meal would consist of. It could be a frozen meal or maybe a pizza. Earlier in the week, we had Thanksgiving dinner type foods brought in for our co-workers. So it wouldn't be a big deal not having a traditional dinner on Thanksgiving.
Well, my wife apparently read the article, which sometimes is not a good thing having her read my articles as it can get me into hot water from time to time, she surprised me with a sausage and pepperoni pizza made in the shape of a turkey. It was delicious.
The turkey head tasted just like a garlic knot, and the sauce was homemade. Take a look at the picture below of my Thanksgiving turkey pizza.
Later in the day, I began to experience a scratchy throat, which was no more than a slight inconvenience. That was to be the the beginning of a bad holiday weekend. On Friday, a stray cat found its way into my fenced in backyard with the intension to kill birds in one of my holly bushes. It was well hidden in the bushes, but not to my Greyhounds when I let them out to do their business.
All hell broke loose, and I couldn't get close enough to the dogs to get the cat away from them. In the chase, my larger Greyhound brought the cat into the house where we were able to separate them. Unfortunately in the process of evicting the cat out of my house as quickly as possible, it dug it's teeth into my hand, and then died. We contacted the health department who took the cat to get tested for rabies.
My neighbors informed me it was a stray cat, so off to the walk-in I went for a tetanus shot and was prescribed five days of horse pills. I have a hard time swallowing pills and the larger they are, the worse it is for me to swallow. It was not a good five days, including losing sleep, my appetite, and worrying about the results of the rabies test.
Sure could go for another delicious turkey pizza right about now.

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