Friday It Was Donuts, Today It’s Cheese
Friday was National Donut Day. We celebrated here at the station with dozens of donuts being brought in by staff members from all different bakeries. Today is National cheese day and so far I've only had some mozzarella string cheese that I grab as breakfast as I was heading out the door at 4:30 this morning.
I love cheese. There are very few cheeses that I do not like. Checking out National Today to see what people were celebrating today, there was a survey about cheese and the ones we like the most and the ones we dislike the most. Funny that American cheese made both lists. 14% said they liked it 13% so they don't like it. According to the survey on National today, cheddar cheese is the most like cheese followed closely by mozzarella cheese.
That same survey revealed that 25% of Americans dislike blue cheese. I love blue cheese. Whether it's chunks of the cheese itself or blue cheese dressing. I love mixing blue cheese crumbles with Italian dressing on top of salads. If that is one of your favorite salad toppings, I recommend you check out Cortese Restaurant on Robinson Street in Binghamton and order it. They put a heaping pile of shredded blue cheese on your salad.
According to National Today, 17% said they dislike Limburger cheese. I love Limburger cheese as well. If you can get by the smell, it is one of the best tasting cheeses in my opinion. My father used to buy Limburger cheese spread that was made by Kraft, and we would spread it on crackers as a snack. My mother used to tell us to go eat it outside because it smelled like dirty gym socks. I don't think craft makes that anymore.
Are you a connoisseur of cheese? If so, what do you like and dislike the most?
[via National Today]
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