Don’t Be A Party Pooper And Come Be A Ice Cream Scooper
I scream, you scream, we all SCREAM for ice cream. Who doesn't love ice cream? Of course, we all do. Where's a good place to go? The Children's Home in Hillcrest will be having their 63rd annual Ice Cream Social at their main campus, 1182 Chenango Street.
Ice Cream Social At Children's Home In Hillcrest
It's happening on Tuesday, August 9th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. It's one of my favorite events to attend with a WIDE assortment of ice cream, cakes and cookies. In the past, they also had live music, karate demonstrations and pony rides.
Here's the thing, You can't eat ice cream if no one is there to scoop it for you. Like every place else these days, they don't have enough help to scoop out the ice cream...Now that really would make me SCREAM!.
Ice Cream Scoopers Needed.
Here's a chance for your group or organization to band together for this wonderful cause. You can scoop for an hour, scoop for two, it is up to YOU!!! You know I'm serious when I start to rhyme all the time.
So don't be a party pooper and come be a ice cream scooper. Okay, I'm going to keep this going until we get enough volunteers...or maybe not. You can stop me now by contacting Vikki Collazo at
The Children's Home partners with children, families and communities to help inspire hope, develop skills and cultivate healthy relationships for positive futures. I hope that you'll partner with them for this year's ice cream social on Tuesday, August 9th.