Your Most Embarrassing Moments
No one wants to be embarrassed. But unfortunately it happens to all of us from time to time. If you have never been embarrassed, you must lead a perfect life, and I envy you, but am also skeptical.
I've had more than my share of embarrassing moments. I try to cover them up as best I can, but that never seems to work. One of my biggest embarrassments include forgetting people's names. It's actually a two part embarrassment. First, when I am introduced to a person, I tend to let it go in one ear out the other. If I was immediately asked what the person's name is, I would most likely stumble. The other part is when I really do know the person's name, but under pressure, my mind goes blank. To make that awkward moment less awkward, I just chalk it up to being old. That usually gets a laugh.
And it's not limited to people's names. Sometimes I will be talking about an object or a place, and when I'm about to name that object or place, I can't remember the name. Why is that? Is it because I may be under pressure? Or am I thinking too fast and my mouth can't keep up? Yea, I've said things like "I need to borrow, um, that long skinny thing with a handle and a flat point on the end." I'm trying to describe a screwdriver. That's embarrassing.
Being on the radio can and does make for some embarrassing moments too. I've started a conversation many times and I'm not sure what I'm saying. A quote from Michael Scott (Steve Carell) on one of my favorite TV sitcoms 'The Office' on NBC sums it up perfectly when I start to talk and my mind goes off track - "Sometimes I'll start a sentence, and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the way." Yep, that's me.
via NBC/The Office