When Do You Take Down Your Christmas Tree And Lights?
If my memory served me correctly, when I was young, we would cut down a Christmas tree and decorate it about 2 to 3 weeks before December 25th. And we would take it down either on New Year's Day or a day or so before or after.
By that time, the needles would be dropping all over the place anyway, so it was good to get it out of the house, and yes we watered our Christmas trees regularly. I loved having a beautifully decorated tree in the house during the holidays. The one thing I did not like was placing the tinsel on the tree, one strand at a time, straight, not wrinkled, and then taking them off the tree to save for the next year. What a pain.

I asked the question on social media - "When do you usually take down your Christmas lights and tree?" The answers as usual were varied. My wife told me when she was young her older sister wanted the tree gone by the day after Christmas. I did notice a few responses mentioning that same thing.
Connie T. said the tree comes down on Christmas night. Several others mentioned the day after Christmas, and many wrote on New Year's Day or the day after, which is when I will take down my tree.
There were so many interesting responses, so here are a few to check out:
- Roxie B. - One year when I was a kid we left tree up until Easter!
- Brittany P. - Lights the next day but the tree can't come down until after New Year. I believe it's bad luck.
- Jennifer D. - This year probably the day after Christmas since my cats are in my tree every day and it's driving me nuts lol.
- David C. - All year my wife Amy and I have a 4-foot tree. So it stays up all year and decorates on different holidays.
- Brandi R. - Not before Jan 7th. And never after Feb 14th.
- Mary B. - The first weekend after New Year's, I keep it for my daughter's birthday which is January 3rd.
- Nina M. - After gifts are opened.
- Stacey R. - December 26. But last year took it down Christmas night because the dogs knocked it over.
- Robert M. - Valentine's Day.
- Mike G. - One minute after...
- Carol R. - The day after Russian Orthodox Christmas.
- Toni M. - Christmas Day after everyone leaves and I can get my house back in order!
- Jonna H. - My 2 trees stay up all year because I don't have any place to store them!
- Evelyn S. - When I get sick of looking at it.
- Diane A. - I never take mine down. I decorate it all year long for all the holidays.
- Bill S. - Weather permitting as soon after Jan. 1st.
- Celeste P. - Sometime in January but most of the time before Super Bowl weekend.
- Jo T. - April.
- Ramona S. - Always before New Year’s Day. Southern superstition (bad luck ) for it to be up on New Year's Day.
- Josh M. - Everything red has to be down by St. Patrick’s Day.
- Ashley V. - "We can leave the Christmas lights up til January..."
- Lisa D. - After the festival of the 3 kings.
- Kristen S. - Jan 7th.
- Gwenn G. - After New Year's -unless they are frozen in the ground for outdoor ones!
- Bill T. - Usually the weekend after New Year.
- Shawn P. - The tree day after Christmas and the outdoor lights the day after the new year.
- Zia W. - Let's see the 2 big ones were put up 9 years ago and the 2 small ones have been up for 8 years .so don't know yet when they'll come down.
- Joyce B. - Until after "Little Christmas."
- Michelle A. - 12 days of Christmas technically starts Christmas day. So our is up through the New Year!
- Cyndee M. - New Year's Eve dad said you can't take the old year into the new one.
- Cindy S. - Sometime in February when the kids start complaining. I love the lights.
- Melody M. - Depends on my mood.
- Heather C. - a day or 2 after Christmas.
- Coralie D. - Jan. 6th - The Feast of the Epiphany. Also known as 'Little Christmas' because, under the Julian Calendar, Christmas day celebrations were held in January, whereas under the Gregorian calendar, Christmas day falls on December 25.
- Brenda C. - Mine is snowmen and winter themes so I will leave them up for winter
- Ryberg L. - At the end of January it takes so long to put up and I feel you rush to take it down so I enjoy it a little longer.
- Randy D. - Take it down?
- Beverly W. - On the 2nd of January, my white one I leave all year and decorate for each holiday.
- Brian F. - July 4th.........if I remember.
- Trudy A. - Real tree, I always took down early January /after my firstborn’s bday but the fake tree I’ve been known to re-decorate for Valentine’s Day
- Richard K. - The Festivus pole goes back in the closet on the 26th.
- Renee D. - February...red lights and hearts on the tree. March...green lights and shamrocks.
- Chris F. - Depends…if you're from the South like myself, those fools leave them up year-round.
- Josh M. - Everything red has to be down by St. Patrick’s Day.
- Rosemary L. - After New Year's Day.Peter F. - You're supposed to take them down?
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