Ready For Tick Season? See The 2022 Forecast
Can you feel spring in the air? Well, we did for one day last weekend, and then winter decided enough was enough and walloped us back into reality with a Tuesday storm and another threat for the upcoming weekend.
But March will march on, Daylight Saving Time is here, the days will get longer, the temperatures will begin to rise higher, and spring will be here shortly. So take that winter.
But if there is one thing we will not look forward to as we segue into spring and warmer temperatures, are the return of our favorite bugs. Among them, are fleas and ticks, unfortunately.

The Canada Pet Care website has a nationwide report out on the upcoming tick season, and it doesn't look good for the Northeast that includes New York State and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The forecast is for a warmer summer than last year and an above-average tick season.
The types of ticks in our two-state region include Deer, Brown Dog, American Dog, and Lone Star Ticks, according to Canada Pet Care. Tick season runs from mid-April to late October.
Last year, I noticed more ticks both on my clothing and on my dogs, from both our backyard in New York and campground in Pennsylvania. We continuously look for ticks after spending time outside, as a precaution. The diseases related to ticks are serious and can be life-threatening.
Ticks are tough little buggers. According to Binghamton University, Julian Shepherd, associate professor of biological sciences, has studied insects and arachnids, including ticks for many years, and had a certain type of tick survive in his laboratory for 27 years. And he reports that an East African species of ticks survived 8 years without feeding.
Check out the article and Professor Shepherd's interesting findings and studies with ticks, on the Binghamton University website.
via Canada Pet Care, Binghamton University
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