Should New York State Follow Texas Outlawing Chaining Up Dogs?
We love our pets. Many people love their pets similar to how they would love their children. And that's okay, although some may think that's a bit extreme. Everyone has their own opinion.
I've owned dogs and cats my entire adult life, and I probably spoil them more than I should, but that's how I roll. Many of the dogs I've adopted are Greyhounds and have come from racetracks in West Virginia and Florida, so they deserve to be spoiled.
My dogs love to be outside, and in good weather, they get to ram around my fenced-in yard or go for a walk or do their business, but otherwise, they reside in my home. Some people tether their dogs outside. It was the norm when I was growing up.
Recently, the State of Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a dog tethering bill. According to My San Antonio, the bill will go into effect in January of 2022. The article notes that the new bill will ban chain and heavyweight restraints. And the minimum length of a legal restraint needs to be at least five times the length of the dog.
I decided to look into some laws concerning dog ownership in New York State and found some interesting things. For example, according to the website Raphaelson Law, there is no statewide leash law and it is illegal to tie up a dog for more than three hours.
In the City of Binghamton, the law states that when a person who owns a dog brings it onto city property, the dog owner must make sure that the "dog is humanely restrained by an adequate collar and an adequate leash no longer than eight feet."
Speaking of dog ownership, recently we published an article about New York State Governor Kathy Hochul signing legislation that prohibits insurers from refusing policies or increasing premiums based solely on an owner’s dog’s breed. I agree with that.
I haven't found any laws in New York State similar to what the State of Texas is about to put into place. New York State and statewide municipalities do a good job with laws on the books concerning animal cruelty, and this would be a good addition in my opinion.
[via My San Antonio, Raphaelson Law, City of Binghamton, H/T to Eric the Inter 92.9 NIN]
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