The weather has been nuts, but I guess it could always be worse, right?

Last night was my golf league night. When I left my house in Endicott I saw lightning off to the west and north. As I made my way to Conklin, the dark clouds followed me. By the time I got to the golf course, it looked like it was going to pour. Instead of getting my clubs and cart cover out of my SUV, my wife and I decided we would wait and see what happened. Sure enough, within minutes, there was lightning right over our heads. We decided to eat dinner and have a few beers first, and try and wait out the storm. That didn't happen.

After we were done eating, we were told that the league was canceled for the night. I'm glad we didn't pull the clubs and cart condom out of the car because we would have gotten soaked putting them back and we would have had to deal with a wet cover for the golf cart.


Chris Free
Chris Free

The rain has also messed up the Rumble Ponies series against the Rubber Ducks at NYSEG Stadium. The teams were supposed to play five games in three days. Last night they were going to pick up a suspended game in the third inning, finish that, then play another seven inning game. They were both rained out. Now they are going to try and do the same thing tonight. I know so far, they have one game scheduled for tomorrow at 1:05 and I guess they are going to make up the other game as a doubleheader in Akron.

The rain has also kept me from mowing my lawn. Every day that I have the time time to do it, it has rained. It's been two weeks since I cut the grass and it's looking pretty bad.

So yeah, I'm sick of the rain, but I guess with the heat and wildfires out west, I should be thankful we are not dealing with that crap.

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