Put Yourself in Their Shoes
Imagine having a job and everything is going fine. Then, because of a virus, your company lays people off and you lose your job. Then you are okay for a while because you are collecting unemployment and the government has stepped up by supplying an extra $600 a week. Then the $600 goes away. You find yourself living on four hundred dollars a week and you still have to pay your rent, your utilities, and supply food for your family. It's nearly impossible.
That's when people turn to CHOW to supply them with free food so they and their children can survive. Now imagine going to CHOW and being told they don't have food for you because there has been too much demand. CHOW has seen five times as many people coming and asking for food this year as they did last year because of Covid-19.
You may even know some of these people that are relying on CHOW for help. You might not know they are turning to CHOW for help, but it could be someone close to you.
If you have enough food for you and your family, your bills are paid, and you have a couple extra bucks left over after you get paid, you are doing much better than a lot of people in the Binghamton area. That's why this year's Food-A-Bago food drive is more important than any one we have done before.

Even if you can't afford to donate, you can still help by sharing this message on your social media pages. By doing that, maybe it will encourage someone that can afford to donate to make a donation. And we're not asking you to donate your life savings. No donation is too small. CHOW can buy five meals for every dollar donated. So every dollar helps.
Maybe if you skip going out to lunch one day this week, you can donate that $10 to CHOW and they can use that to buy 50 complete meals. If you don't stop and grab coffee on the way to work one day this week, and donate that $3 to CHOW, that's 15 meals that they can serve.
Our Food-A-Bago is taking place in the Weis parking lot on Upper Front Street in Binghamton until 6 tonight, Saturday and Sunday from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m., and then we wrap things up Monday morning between 6 and 9 am. If you can't make it up to the camper, you can securely donate by clicking here.
So please, donate whatever you can. Don't think someone else will take care of it. We need everybody that can donate to donate. What would you do if you were in their shoes?
Thank you in advance.
FOOD-A-BAGO 2020: Take A Look At How The Community is Helping Broome County CHOW!
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