NY & Pa. Each Lose Congressional Seat in 2020 Census
New York and Pennsylvania will each lose one seat in Congress as a result of national population shifts, according to new census data.
New York's state’s delegation will shrink from 27 to 26.
It is one of seven states losing a member of congress as a result of the 2020 census data released Monday, April 26.
The loss might have been avoided if just seven-dozen more people in the state had been counted.
Pennsylvania will have one fewer electoral votes in presidential elections — from 20 to 19. It also will have one fewer seats in the U.S. House of Representatives.
The states stand to lose more than political clout. The census also determines the distribution of $1.5 trillion in federal funding each year helping to pay for everything from schools and health care to roads and assistance to non-profits. Businesses also look at census numbers when determining where to move, expand or whether just to stay.
The redrawing of congressional districts is always a hot political potato with both parties looking to adjust borders to include more of the population that would be inclined to support their agenda.

In New York, an appointed State commission is charged with redrawing the districts but the panel’s recommendation can be voted down by legislators. The senate, assembly and even the executive branch are all controlled by Democrats in New York.
This is the 10th consecutive decade the Keystone State has lost influence in Washington, even as it rose a notch to the fifth-most populous state.
Census figures show Pennsylvania’s resident population crept to just over 13 million last year from 12.7 million in 2010, a 2.4% gain. That's far behind the nation’s growth of 7.4%.
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