Mother Nature Trumps the End of Binghamton’s Winter Parking Rules
While some municipalities' restrictions on parking for the winter season are still active until April 1, the City of Binghamton's alternate side of the street parking ended March 15, sort of.
Enter Mother Nature and a Winter Storm expected to deposit rain and the possibility of several inches of snow.
The cold reality has prompted City officials to issue the following statement:
“While the period for alternate side parking rules ended March 15, we urge residents to remove cars from City streets to assist with snow removal and salting operations. If you have a driveway — please use it. Work with neighbors or utilize public parking lots. This is especially important for narrow streets, one-way streets and areas with heavy on-street parking. Vehicles impeding City plows will be ticketed and towed.”
Residents are encouraged to keep up on the changing weather conditions through Saturday, March 23.
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