Is Your Phobia One Of the 10 Most Searched In New York?
Do you have specific fears? Many people have a fear of something. Maybe it's a fear of being in complete darkness. That fear is called Nyctophobia.
Some have a fear of heights. It's called Acrophobia. My wife isn't afraid of heights, but don't ask her to look down over a ledge. That's not going to happen, ever. I don't have any specific fears, but if I had to admit to anything, I probably would not be comfortable for any long period of time in an enclosed space. As you know, that's called Claustrophobia.
How fearful are Americans? Well, did some research for the answer through Google phobia searches over a 12-month period. According to the survey, about 9.1 percent of Americans have some sort of phobia. That's almost one in every 10 people in the country.
So, what are the most searched phobias for New Yorkers? Here are the top 10 fears of those who live in the Empire State ranked from 10 to 1.
The top ten list begins with Trypanophobia. That's a fear of needles. I don't mind needles, I just have an issue with blood being taken from me. But I have managed to deal with it over the years.
The 9th most searched phobia for those from the Empire State is Coulrophobia, a fear of clowns. Yea, I can understand this completely.
Landing at #8 is the fear of large objects, like big buildings, statues, and animals. The term is called Megalophobia.
The 7th most searched phobia among New Yorkers according to the study is the fear of being stared at. It's called Scopophobia. Personally, I used to have staring contests with my cat. I won every time. Take that, kitty.
Arachnophobia is a fear of spiders. Many of my co-workers have this fear. They don't bother me (spiders, not co-workers. They sometimes do bother!). As for New Yorkers, it crawls on you (sorry) at # 6.
The 5th most searched phobia for New Yorkers is the fear of heights, called Acrophobia.
#4 most searched phobia is Claustrophobia, the fear of closed spaces. I can manage closed spaces for a time, but then, it's time for open spaces.
The study notes that the 3rd most searched phobia in New York State is Emetophobia, which is a fear of vomiting. Yes, I can relate to that. I will avoid this as best as I can.
#2 New York's most searched fear is Thalassophobia. This is a fear of the ocean. How unfortunate for those who have this fear. I love spending time in and around the Atlantic Ocean.
The #1 most searched phobia in New York from the study is Trypophobia, which is a fear of clustered patterns of irregular holes. I have never heard of this, but apparently, it's an issue with many New Yorkers.
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