Melancholy Mother’s Day
My mother passed away in 2004, since then Mother's Day has been all about making it a special day for my wife Chris.
Usually Mother's Day Ian and I go to church with Chris and then we go out for Mother's Day brunch. After we eat, we usually treat Chris to a round of golf. There's been Mother's Days in the past where we've only played nine holes because it was rainy and cold, but we still going out to golf.
We usually top off Mother's Day by heading out to Tioga Downs to do some gambling. This year, we couldn't do any of that.
So instead I made her breakfast, poached eggs with avocado puree, served on English Muffins with bacon and a freshly peeled Orange. One cool thing that happened this year, was it was Hagar's first Mother's Day, which meant his first Mother's day present for Chris.
Our 6 month old golden golden retriever gave me money to go get her a gift certificate at a Binghamton area nursery so she could get plants or flowers of her choosing.
We placed the certificate in a card that read “Happy Muder's Day". He's only six months old he doesn't know how to spell yet. I was proud because I put the card in his mouth and he walked down the hallway into the kitchen and gave the card to Chris without eating it.
We spent part of the afternoon looking at garage doors online because we have to replace ours. Then I made Chris a Mother's Day dinner of Moussaka. It's a Mediterranean eggplant and beef casserole. Being that we are doing the Mediterranean diet, we had to use ground turkey in place of ground beef. It turned out really good if I do say so myself. Chris said it was very delicious. Ian had it for the first time. Turns out he's not a big fan of eggplant, but he ate everything else inside the casserole.
We spent the rest of the day just watching TV and Chris and I both ended up falling asleep for a few hours.
Another thing that made this Mother's Day pretty crappy was the fact that it fell on the 3rd anniversary of the passing of my brother. My brother Gene lost his battle with cancer on May 10th. 20017.
So for us it wasn't a very memorable Mother's Day. Even though Chris Said she was very appreciative of everything we did. She said loved the food, the gifts, especially the liter size bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon that Ian bought her, and she loved the fact that we were all together.
I hope your Mother's Day was much better.