I Miss Our Wednesday Night Team Trivia
I was sitting at home last night thinking, if it wasn't for the Coronavirus, we would be out having fun.
For the last few years, just about every Wednesday, a bunch of us will get together and go to Tioga Downs for team trivia. Chris and I, along with my former co-worker Tom the Electrician and his wife Kathleen, and a former coworker of ours Dave lozzi and his wife Jo Ellen, make up our team.
Every now and then we will have some people join us, but it's usually the six of us that are there. Sometimes we meet for dinner beforehand, and sometimes we just eat while we're playing trivia.
Over the years we've become friends with some of the other teams that are usually there, to the point where we have hung out with them at different times away from trivia.
The Wednesday night trivia is hosted buy a friend of ours who also worked with Tommy, Dave, and me. We don't win all the time, but we finish in the top three a lot. And the top three teams get prizes.
For the final question, we usually bet it all unless the topic is the Oscars or something like that. If it's a topic we are not sure of, then we will bet zero unless we feel like gambling. We'll say something like, we came with nothing, it's ok if we leave with nothing.
Whether we win or lose is irrelevant because we always have fun hanging out together, usually laughing at ourselves.

I heard that Tioga Downs may start laying off all of their employees if they are not allowed to reopen soon. That would mean no trivia on Wednesday nights and that would really suck.
And if Tioga Downs was to close permanently, that would mean hundreds of jobs lost, a ton of tax revenue would go away, and all the non profit organizations that have benefited from donations from Tioga Downs would suffer. And that would really, really suck.
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