I Guess I Got the Snowblower Back Just in Time
With the first snow storm of the season now barreling straight for us, people are starting to lose their minds.
Like I said before, I really don't mind the snow. I hate the cold, but I can deal with the snow. And I rather deal with snow then hurricanes and earthquakes.
I'm usually prepared for the snow because I have two snow blowers and I make sure they are gassed up and ready to go if the forecast is calling for snow. And it's not unusual for both my wife and me to each be using one of them at the same time as we go around the neighborhood and help our neighbors.
Last winter took its toll on both of our snow blowers. The older one of the two, which is the bigger 10 horsepower one seen the picture above, needed almost $300 worth of repairs That snowblower is 15 years old.
The other snow blower we have is either a 5 or a 7.5 horsepower I don't remember which. That one needed a tune-up and a couple other minor things. Agway in Endicott dropped off the smaller of the two snow blowers yesterday and they still have to get one more part for the bigger one.
I really don't mind snow blowing and I love helping people, so I go around the neighborhood and help out my neighbors that don't have snow blowers and even the elderly neighbors that do have snow blowers. I don't think they should be out in the cold doing that.
I hate when the snow comes late at night because I have to work so early in the morning and I can't take care of the snow before I leave for work. A lot of times, by the time I get out of work, my neighbors have already taken care of their sidewalks and driveways themselves. Tomorrow might be one of those days. I'm guessing by the time I get out of work most of my neighborhood will already have clean sidewalks and driveways.
Once we get that second snow blower back I will be able to say let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.