Guys, we love our manhood.
It comes with all sorts of manliness, things that the ladies just don't understand (no offense, ladies!)

But what is it that the ladies have over us that we wish we could experience?
Having women buy us a drink and maybe even dinner.

Think about it guys.
How many times do we offer a free drink and/or dinner to a lady with the hopes of an extended conversation and maybe beyond?
Many times I would guess.

Now, how many times has a lady walked up to you and offered the same?
Slim to none, and slim is outta town.

Even online, if you’re a single woman, all  you have to do, is get on a dating website and surf for free food and drinks.
Just agree to meet a new guy, and the lady is pretty much guaranteed a free drink and maybe free dinner!

How can we guys (that is, if you're single) get that deal?



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