If You Own A Snowblower, Do you Help Out Your Shovel Only Neighbors?
Another winter storm is now behind us. Was it really significant enough to be classified as a winter storm? I guess it depends on where you live and how much snow, sleet, and or ice your home area received.
Earlier this week, I kept hearing we may get anywhere from 4 inches to a foot from Thursday evening through Friday morning. I am not a fan of snow, ice, sleet, winter, etc, as most of you know already, but since I bought my very first snowblower in early January after a significant snowstorm, I was a bit excited for this storm.
On Thursday after work, I bought my still shiny snowblower out of the shed, cranked it up, checked over everything, made sure the augers were all turning, filled the gas tank, and put a cover on it ready to be used just hours away.
But, had my neighborhood experienced enough plowable snow, would I just clear my driveway and sidewalk in front of my house, or should I go the extra mile for some of my neighbors who don't have a snowblower?
My neighbor across the street used to help me out when we experienced a large amount of snowfall, and someone else down the street came through earlier this year and cleared the sidewalks of about a half dozen homes, including mine.
I would most likely clear some of my neighbor's sidewalks for free, depending on if there are places to dump the snow. The apartment building to my left has no area for me to blow the snow from the sidewalk or parking area, so I can't help them. If you own a snowblower, do you help out your neighbors who only have a snow shovel? And if so, is there a time, depending on the severity of the storm, should you expect some sort of compensation?
But, since buying this large contraption, we've had very little snowfall, even after reports of storms heading our way. so my snowblower did not get a workout, again. And of course, this end-of-February storm was less than expected as well. Sure we had some snow and sleet, but not enough where I live to use the snowblower.
Disappointment once again. I've said it before, once I bought a snowblower, any winter storm with significant accumulation would not happen, and so far that has come true. Again, you're welcome.