I have to admit, I'm surprised we have yet to be hit with any type of winter storm, and of course, in mentioning it, I'm probably jinxing us right now. Please don't hold me accountable for any winter nastiness that may (probably will) happen in the next couple of months or so.

Regardless of whatever Mother Nature sends us in terms of winter weather, we are proud northerners who know how to handle it and can drive through just about any storm. Or so we think, anyway. Not everyone gets that memo.

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The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDot) has some good tips for winter driving, and while some of them are no-brainers, there are some tips that you may not be aware of or have not taken to heart to help you when driving in winter weather conditions.

Winter Driving Tips


There are other tips to keep in mind when tacking winter storm driving such as avoiding using cruise control when driving. You should be in full control of your vehicle at all times.

Also, before you leave home or wherever you are beginning your travels, clear away all the snow and ice from your windows, and clear snow off your roof. there's nothing more annoying (and it's dangerous) to vehicles behind you when snow is blowing off your roof and onto the windshield of vehicles behind you. Besides, it's the law in New York State and Pennsylvania, and you could be ticketed.

For more winter driving tips, visit the PennDot website, and safe travels this winter.

via Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

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