Freezone’s Memorial Day Weekend Part 2
Sunday we got up and we headed off to Mansfield to get Ian's belongings out of the house that he rented for the last two years while he was attending college. Here is a picture of half of the stuff in my SUV.
His father had a pickup truck that was also full of stuff and we come void it down and back together. While we were there we took Ian out for lunch in Wellsboro. It was really strange because most of the businesses in Wellsboro were closed on Sunday for the holiday weekend and most of them being restaurants. We must have gone to five places and either couldn't get in because there was no room or the restaurant was closed. Then Monday the holiday itself, after I got done on the air, Chris and I made our way to Washington Avenue in Endicott for the Memorial Day Parade. When that was over we walked around the corner to Memorial Park where we stayed for the Memorial Day ceremony. After that, we went to Conklin because I had to make up a round of golf in our Golf League. We finished just in time. With two holes left, we started hearing rumbles of thunder coming from the north. The skies were getting pretty dark over Binghamton when we were leaving. From Conklin, we drove South to meet up with a bunch of my family members. We met halfway between Binghamton and Scranton for a Memorial Day dinner get-together.
All in all, it was a great weekend. I wanted to get to a rumble ponies game at some point over the weekend and I never made it. I will definitely have to do it during their next homestand. I hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend as well.
Memorial day 2018 part 2
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