Fish for Free in New York This Weekend
According to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation website, this Saturday and Sunday are two of five days throughout the year designated as free fishing days in New York State.
That means anytime Saturday or Sunday, anyone, regardless of age, can fish in the fresh waters of New York State without purchasing a fishing license.
Free fishing weekends are great for people like me. People that used to fish a lot in the past, but that just don't seem to have the time nowadays. So instead of going out and buying a fishing license and only going fishing once or twice, you can take advantage of free fishing days.
If you love to fish, it's also a great time to take your significant other fishing with you. They can experience the joy of fishing, again without having to purchase a license.
The New York State DEC website reminds people that will be taking advantage of free fishing days that freshwater fishing regulations are still in effect. Bass season
is now underway. That started last weekend in New York.

Chris and I took Ian fishing a few times when he was younger. He really wanted to try it, and Chris used to fish with her father when she was younger, so we decided it would be a great family hobby.
We went out and bought three new rods and reels along hooks, bobbers, pretty much everything we needed to go fishing. I think we've used them twice since we bought them between 10 and 15 years ago. Maybe this weekend would be a good time to get them out of the garage and actually use them.
There are plenty of places for you to fish in Broome County. Including both the Chenango and Susquehanna Rivers, Greenwood Park, Cole Park, and the Whitney Point Reservoir to name a few.
For a complete list of public fishing spots in New York State, Click here.
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