Your Vote Counts, Get Out and Vote Tuesday
That's it in a nutshell. If you've already voted via absentee vote or voted early like I did, thanks for your vote.
If you haven't voted yet, Tuesday is your day. Millions of people have already voted, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't bother. Every vote counts, and if many people had that same thought of "My vote doesn't matter. It's just one vote," all those lost votes could have swung elections in a different direction.
For most of my adult lifetime, I did not vote. I really had no excuse why. I just didn't. Finally I came to my senses and registered. Been voting ever since. You've heard it a lot that this election may be the most important election you will be voting in, and maybe that's true, but true or not, I believe every election is very important whether it is a presidential year election or not.
Remember, there are several other important elections going on depending where you live, including state and local governments. These are important votes to help shape your local and state government.
For information that you may need to know in your area to vote, including candidate information, where to vote in your municipality, hours the polls are open and a sample ballot, click on the link below for the county you live in.
For Broome County, visit the Broome Votes website.
For Tioga County, visit the Tioga County Board of Elections website.
For Chenango County, visit the Chenango County Board of Elections website.
For Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, visit the Susquehanna County Voting System website.
For Bradford County, Pennsylvania, visit the Office of Elections in Bradford County website.
Thanks for your vote. It's your right as an American!