Wine Festival This Weekend At Watkins Glen
Two years ago, Chris and I went to the Finger Lakes Wine Festival with friends of ours named Lisa and Doug. We went up Saturday and camped overnight in a tent. We came home Sunday afternoon. The best part about camping during the Wine Festival is the party atmosphere. Everyone seems to get along and everyone has a great time. I didn't see any issues the last time we were there. This weekend, we won't be in a tent. For years, Doug and Lisa kept saying how they wanted to get a camper, and this year they bought one. So I'm taking off Friday and heading up there for the weekend. With all the food, beer, and accessories we are bringing, you'd swear we're going to stay there for a month.
If you've never been to the wine festival it's an awesome event. Over 80 wineries from all over Upstate New York converge on Watkins Glen International Raceway for the three-day event. Along with the wine, there are food vendors, live music, fireworks and plenty of activities as well. One of the coolest parts about the festival is when you are leaving there are state police at the exits to give breathalyzers to the drivers to make sure they're safe to drive home. If you fail the breathalyzer, you can have someone else in the car take a breathalyzer, and if they pass they can drive you home. If you don't want someone else driving your car, or if your passengers are more boxed than you are, you park your vehicle and wait until you sober up enough to pass the breathalyzer test. It's a great safety feature for you and everyone else traveling on the roadways.
It's a very cool weekend getaway that's only an hour and a half from Binghamton. So if you tune-in Saturday or Monday morning and I sound hungover...I probably will be.
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