When Will RT 17 Reopen?
The flash flooding that occurred in our area Sunday night into Monday still has some roads closed. The biggest road that was affected by the water was Route 17. The water washed away the dirt between the two Bridges between Exits 62 and 63. That road remains closed and according to Dave Hamburg at the Department of Transportation, it could be closed for over a month. He said; "We are working to have it reopened around Labor Day"
There is a detour set up to get you around those bridges but the detour is a little strange. It is signed well. It tells you where to go but the first time through you start thinking, "well this can't be right", but it is.
Traveling west from Binghamton or Owego, you must get off at exit 63 Lounsberry. You go down to the end of the exit ramp and you make a right. Go straight to the T in the road and then you make a left. That road, if you stay on it will take you right past Tioga Downs. But to get to Tioga Downs, or get back on the highway. you must turn right by the Dandy Mart down the street from the casino. You then enter the ramp onto Route 17 heading eastbound, so you feel like you are heading back towards Binghamton. You are only on that for about 150 yards, then you turn left through the median, which is paved, and then turn left onto Route 17 West.
If you are going to Tioga Downs, once you make the left to get back on 17 West, your exit is right there on the right.
The reason you can't go straight through that intersection to get to Tioga Downs is to avoid having a backup of cars trying to exit 17 West.
Again they hope to have the road open around Labor Day
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