What Would You Like To See The Binghamton Masonic Temple Turn Into?
Normally I drive to and from work on Main Street Binghamton, and I noticed a few weeks ago that after what seemed like decades (and maybe it has been) there is activity going on at the old Binghamton Masonic Temple building that sits at the corner of Main and Murray Streets.
Our 1290 WNBF News Team recently wrote an article about what was happening with the building. The owner was looking to turn the Masonic Temple into an apartment complex.
My first thought was that it's about time something is being done. As I drove by the building everyday, I would think to myself that it was such a shame the this once beautiful building had been allowed to become so worn down as it lay unoccupied for decades.
But now, our WNBF New Team has reported that the owner has put the building up for sale. What will that mean for the future of the building? Will construction continue to completion as an apartment building?
And what if not? What would be a good idea to turn this large building into? I'd hate to see the work halted and the building sit unoccupied for an unforeseeable future. My first thought would be something along the lines of a grocery store since there isn't one really close by on that part of Binghamton.
Sure a grocery store would only need the first floor, but maybe the upper floors could become apartments as it is currently being developed. Possibly a community center could be added to a floor or two. How about a new nightclub? Maybe we have enough already downtown.
It's an interesting type of building, so I think the options of anything other than apartments might be out of the question, but who knows, if that doesn't pan out, maybe someone a new owner will have some really cool idea that no one has thought of before, that would bring life back into the Binghamton Masonic Temple.
Check out the inside pictures below from WNBF's Bob Joseph when we took a tour of the building a few years ago.
via 1290 WNBF
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