Water Is My Friend And My Enemy
Water. We need it to survive. Not much of a revelation there. And as much as I love water for all that it gives us in life, as you know, it can cause a lot of destruction especially from weather related events.
I've had more than a few misfortunes with water. Water and it's form of snow and ice has done it's damage to my home's roof a couple of times. One of my sheds took on water damage one winter resulting in destroying some of the stuff I had stored away.
Then there was the time water was pouring inside my old van. Well, the hole in the roof from rust helped make that possible. And during bad storms, I've had water come into my basement, damaging some of the things I had on the floor.
Currently my fight with water is with my travel trailer. About a month ago, I noticed water dripping from the underbelly after a few hours of the camp water system turned on. When I am not there, I turn off the incoming water from the camp.
My camper was designed with an insulated underbelly to help keep the heat in. Not all campers come with that feature. And because there is insulation underneath, it took a while for me to notice there was a problem.
I had a friend take a look but without opening up the underbelly which is basically corrugated cardboard, but he couldn't help me. So I asked another friend who is an expert with plumbing to see if we could find the source of the leak.
He opened up a portion of the underbelly and found areas of wet insulation but no water lines visible around the insulation and various water tanks. It's like working on the underside of a vehicle but without the advantage of a lift for better examination. The clearance is maybe three feet, so to get around easily, you need a creeper, which I have.
Long story short, we have not found where the leak is coming from, but are guessing it's a damaged water line that runs from the camp water source to the toilet, possibly from a rodent getting in the underbelly and chewing on the water line. We believe the damaged line may run through a tight space between the floor of the camper and one of the three water tanks, making it hard to see.
The next step is to get ahold of an endoscopic camera to reach areas we can't see with the naked eye and find the source of the leak. In the meantime, I'm hoping water hasn't caused damage to anything in my camper. That could be an expensive fix. And that's why I hate water right now.

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