Volunteering at Food-A-Bago Makes Me Feel Good
This week will be a long week for me and my coworkers, but I don't mind. It's our annual Food-A-Bago food drive taking place at the Weis on Upper Front Street in Binghamton. It's a week long event where we collect non-perishable food items and monetary donations for Broome County CHOW.
When it comes to food, I am pretty blessed. At any point, day or night, I can go in my kitchen and find something good to eat. Or, I can get my car and go to the store to get something to eat, or if I'm feeling lazy I can just stopped at a restaurant to fill my belly. But for many in the Broome County area, that's not the case.
If I ever won the lottery, one of the first things I would do is setup bank accounts that would generate enough interest for local food pantries and soup kitchens to be able to feed the hungry for years to come. Obviously, I haven't won the lottery yet, so helping out at Food-A-Bago is one way I can help feed the hungry in our area until I buy that winning ticket.
I hate to beg for anything, but I understand that radio has the power to motivate people to do good, and that's why I don't mind putting in the extra hours while helping out at Food-A-Bago. I also do my part by purchasing non-perishable food items and making monetary donations as well.
And I'm asking everybody who is reading this blog to help us. Even if it's just one can of vegetables, or a box of pasta, or even a box of cereal, every little bit helps.
Even if you go one day without coffee or maybe even a beer, and you donate that money to CHOW, you can help feed the hungry in our area. For every dollar CHOW brings in, they can buy up to four meals. So maybe instead of going out to lunch once this week, you can go without and donate that money at Food-A-Bago.
Just stop by the Hillcrest RV which is parked outside of the Weis Market on Upper Front Street in Binghamton. I will be there broadcasting live everyday this week from 1 till 3, and from 8 until 11 on Saturday.
Please do what you can to help us feed the hungry in our area. The people you help may be people you care about that are going through a hard time and you don't even know it.
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