Ventilators Yet to be Relocated from Upstate Hospitals
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says no ventilators have been taken from "upstate" hospitals to be relocated to hospitals downstate that are over-run by COVID-19 cases.
Last week the Democrat said resources, including ventilators, would be shifted as needed from hospitals in other parts of the state that didn't see an immediate need for the equipment to hospitals where there is a short supply.
That announcement that hospitals outside of the hot-spots surrender 20% of any unused supplies to the National Guard for temporary redistribution didn't sit well with Broome County Executive Jason Garnar who told reporters there was no way to tell where a ventilator was going to be needed day-to-day and shifting of equipment could leave other hospitals lacking resources when they are needed.
April 5, Cuomo said personnel, Personal Protection Equipment and patients had been shifted between individual downstate facilities to ease pressure on over-taxed hospitals but there had been no major moves outside of the New York City area.
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