This Won’t Egg-xactly Be a Typical Easter
This Sunday is Easter Sunday. And for us Catholics, this is the most important time of year for our religion.
Usually during Easter, Chris and I go to our church for the Triduum. It starts on Holy Thursday, continues on Good Friday, and then we usually attend Midnight Mass Saturday night into Sunday morning.
Since the ban on mass gatherings started, our church has been videotaping mass and posting it on YouTube. I’m grateful for that, but it’s not the same.
On a typical Easter, Chris and I wake up, take showers, and then along with Ian, we head to my sister's house in Carbondale for a family dinner. Many of my siblings and their children and even their children's children, go to my sisters for dinner. That’s not happening this year.
And being that Chris mother's side of the family was Russian Orthodox, we started a tradition four years ago of having Chris's cousins over on Russian Easter for a traditional Russian Easter meal. Years when Russian Easter is celebrated on the same Sunday as our Easter, we would go to my sisters on Easter and celebrate Russian Easter with Chris's family the following Sunday.
This year we won't be able to do either of them.. Chris informed her cousins and her aunt that we will have Russian Easter dinner, but probably not until July.
With the stay at home order still in effect, Chris, Ian and I will have our own Easter dinner at our house. As much as I'm going to miss seeing my family, their safety to me is more important than one meal.
If you celebrate Easter, stay safe and try and make the best of it.
The pictures below are from our past Easters.
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