New York Appears to Be the Toughest State for Happy MarriagesNew York Appears to Be the Toughest State for Happy MarriagesIf all you see is doom and gloom about life in New York, you really should take a closer look at your marriage. MeganMegan
When New Yorkers Get Divorced, Who Gets The Pets?When New Yorkers Get Divorced, Who Gets The Pets?Many people will tell you their pets are like their childrenHydeHyde
Will You Keep Your Pet After a Divorce in New York?Will You Keep Your Pet After a Divorce in New York?pets are like our childrenHydeHyde
Does New York Really Have the Fewest Divorces in America?Does New York Really Have the Fewest Divorces in America?Curious about divorce rates in New York? You might be surprised by what we’ve uncovered! Traci TaylorTraci Taylor
Tips for Getting the Real ID/Enhanced NY Driver LicenseTips for Getting the Real ID/Enhanced NY Driver LicenseGetting the new Enhanced Driver License or Real ID in New York may be harder for some people than others as time is running out for the upgrade.Kathy WhyteKathy Whyte
‘Divorce Lawyer’ Searches by Binghamton Couples Among the Highest in NYS‘Divorce Lawyer’ Searches by Binghamton Couples Among the Highest in NYSThe pandemic was hard on many couples in New York, especially those in the Binghamton area.Traci TaylorTraci Taylor
Sorry, but You’re Definitely Not in a Common Law Marriage in New YorkSorry, but You’re Definitely Not in a Common Law Marriage in New YorkYou’ve been living together forever which means you’re considered common law married, right? Not if you live in New York. Pennsylvania, maybe. Not New York. Traci TaylorTraci Taylor
Are Divorce and Valentine’s Day Linked?Are Divorce and Valentine’s Day Linked?Is it just our imagination or are there an awful lot of divorces happening this time of year? Traci TaylorTraci Taylor
Should New York Allow This? Alienation of Affection LawsuitsShould New York Allow This? Alienation of Affection LawsuitsA lot of divorces are the result of infidelity. Some divorces occur when a family becomes too much to handle. But should you be able to sue over it?Jim FreeJim Free