Results Are Positive, April Is Pregnant Again
Last month I blogged about the possibility of April the giraffe being pregnant again. At that time, workers at Animal Adventure in Harpursville were collecting April's droppings to send off to other zoos for testing. I guess you can't just use a pregnancy test from CVS on giraffes, Well, the results are in and the tests have come back positive.
Jordan Patch, the owner of Animal Adventure, made the announcement on NBC's 'Today Show' earlier this morning. April, who is 16 years old, is the mother Tajiri. He's the giraffe that was born at Animal Adventure in 2017 while hundreds of thousands of people watched from all over the world via the internet. Patch told NBC's Today Show that the average pregnancy of a giraffe about 15 months. But he also said that April seems to go longer, anywhere from 16 to 19 months. And while there is no exact due date, it looks like Oliver the giraffe, also at the Harpursville zoo, will become a dad again in the spring of 2019.
Animal Adventure is located at 85 Martin Hill Rd. In Harpursville, just off Exit 5 of Rt. 88. Besides being home of the two most popular giraffes in the world, Animal Adventure also features Black African Lions, lions, monkeys, camels, kangaroos, wolves and more. According to their website, the park is open 7 Days a week from 10 a.m. through 5 p.m. with last admissions at 4 p.m. From September 4th through October the park is only open on weekends.
[via Today Show / Animal Adventure]
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