I ventured to Reaper's Revenge this past Friday and enjoyed all three attractions; the Haunted Hayride, Pitch Black and the Lost Carnival. Each flowed seamlessly from one to the other.

The adventure started off with the Haunted Hayride where every so often our group would come upon a scene. There was Jason of course, The Ring, and many other assorted attractions. Once we got off the hayride, we entered the Lost Carnival which you walked through. Now, I am not sure why so many people are scared of clowns but all I know is I used to have a dream about a clown attacking me when I was younger, thus the origin of my fear. I was a little hesitant because of my Coulrophobia but went anyways. I was doing fine until my friend I went with decided to tell a clown resembling the one from Stephen King's movie 'It' that I was scared and thus he attacked me. I may have been scared for dear life but I'll try not to embarrass myself anymore than I already have on that subject.....so anyways, on we went to Pitch Black! We took a short hayride through a den of spiders which I am also not a fan of and my male friend screamed like a girl because he likes them even less. From there we entered a pitch black maze where there was absolutely no lights and you had to feel your way through the maze while all sorts of creatures jumped out at you.

Overall, it was a great time and I highly recommend taking the trip down 81 South to visit Reaper's Revenge. For all the information regarding hours, pricing and such, visit www.reapersrevenge.net

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