Rain is necessary for crops to grow and in turn for humans to survive.

With the drought now affecting most of the Country, thousands of people are
praying for rain to come. When it does, they will run for cover and whine about having to go out in it.
We all do!

I got to thinking as I was outside this morning.  Why do we take cover when it rains? It's not like we will be burned or melt like the Wicked Witch of the West. We'll just get wet.  No biggie.

I never carry an umbrella. I embrace the rain.  Yes, getting drenched presents some discomfort. But if you take a few moments to simply stand and enjoy it, you'll relieve some stress and have fun.

Remember playing in the rain and stomping through puddles as a kid? Why can't we,as adults, do that? I challenge you to do just that! Take pictures and send them to me or post to our Facebook pages.

Bring on the rain!  Enjoy!

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