Opening Week At Camp Second Half Challenge
My opening weekend at camp adventures continue from the first half I wrote about on Monday, picking up where I left off on Saturday afternoon.
I decided to get my satellite TV system back online. Yes, I know, how is having satellite TV part of camping? All I can say is, I gotta keep up with everyone else around me. Besides, on a rainy day or as this weekend threw at me, cold and snow, I need some sort of entertainment when I'm stuck inside the camper. And the over the air antenna on the roof picks up pretty much nothing, or at best the channels drift in and out.
Anway, no matter what I did, I could not get the receiver to recognize a signal from the satellite. Support was no help, moving the dish didn't help, so I gave up for time being.
My brother showed up (he has a camper across the street from mine) and got his satellite TV to work just fine. Smart ass. I spent the rest of Saturday putting everything back in place inside, and sweeping up all the mouse droppings from the past winter. It doesn't matter how much you close up every entry into a camper, they find a way in. I ended the evening with a hot sub from a local pizza place, a few beers and a DVD movie.
The overnight wasn't quite as cold as Friday overnight, so that was a good thing. And Sunday began with lots of sunshine and much warmer temperatures. It allowed me to get outside and put all the wonderful lawn ornaments back in place. Yes, I have pink Flamingo lawn ornaments. Doesn't everyone?
I got my golf cart out of storage from the other side of the campground, and was reminded from last fall that I no longer have a reverse function. My golf cart was manufactured in 1987, so it's got it's quirks. I was just happy it started up after being in storage for seven months.
My next project was to get the riding mower going. I put the battery back in, but noticed the two front tires were flat as a pancake, and my air compressor is currently at home. I tabled that project for another time.
I took some time to call my mom for Mother's Day. That was a bit weird. It's the first time that I have ever missed visiting her on Mother's Day. And it was strange not getting together with my camp friends, at least those who braved the bad weather to open their campers. It will be that way for a while. We have a lot of restrictions to abide by for now.
Over the two days, despite crazy weather, I was able to check off a lot of projects on my list, but no rush, I have just under six months of camping season to get to them all. I'm just glad it's here and I get to enjoy camping now through the last day - October 31st, 2020.

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