My Halloween Candy Tradition
When I was a kid, a couple of days before Halloween, my parents would buy candy and set us all down around the kitchen table as an assembly line. One would open the sandwich bag and it to the next one who would insert a piece of candy and it to the next one, who would insert a lollipop and it to the next one, who would insert a piece of candy and this went all the way around the table until the last person closed up the sandwich bag and threw it in a big paper bag for the trick-or-treaters on Halloween.
I don't remember how many bags we would make, but I remember I always used to ask to put in the Mary Jane's. And of course, I would eat them as we are doing the assembly of the candy bags so I was always the first one out of candy. I remember besides the Mary Jane's there were lollipops, and Smarties, a piece of gum, a mini candy bar, and some other things.
When Chris and I bought our house and had our first Halloween at our house in 2003, I started the tradition there. We got a bunch of candy and some candy bags and passed them around until they were filled. Well, that tradition continues. Last night we had two of our friends come over and help us put the candy bags together for the little trick-or-treaters that will be brave enough to go out in the cold tonight, scavenging for sweets.
Below is what the bags look like and the contents inside. All in all, we made 65 bags with Dave and Jo's help. And we had candy left over just in case we get more visitors.
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