Halloween can be tough on the 'costume challenged' like me. I have great ideas, but when it comes to execution I am lazy.

Let's face it, who wants to or has time to make one! For goodness sake, my brother sewed all my clothes in high school. What to do, what to do? I know! Add accesories to an old costume to make it different!

Last year, I was a penguin. I got the whole costume at Spirit Halloween, the cool sponsor of the Whale Halloween Parade. Simple. Slip it on and 'viola!' I am a penguin. Everyone knows it's tacky to dress the same way twice, so now what?

I know! Vampire it up! Vampires and werewolves are pretty in thanks to the 'Twilight' movies, so why not? Any living being with blood can technically be a vampire or werewolf.

So, off I went to Spirit Halloween. I grabbed a vampire wig to put on my penguin head, a cape to make me more 'evil' and a little makeup for that undead glow. There you have it, a vampire penguin. Oh, and I made fangs.

Not every costume needs to sexy. Silly works great too. I also grabbed a Nun habit, some cartoon hands, and more makeup. Now, I am an undead, yet devout cartoon Nun!

All it takes is a little imagination. One year for Halloween, my Dad took us out trick or treating. Since he had to be in costume, he grabbed one of my Mom's dresses, a couple of left over birthday balloons and a blonde wig. Dolly Parton just like that. Yes he did!

Want to be a politician? Grab an old men's costume (clown, vampire, or whatever) slick back your hair, get a thick piece of paper and write the word 'Bill' on it. Done.

Makeup, wigs and other accessories can change any costume. You'll see what I mean when you see me at the Gruesome Gala at the Downtown Quarterback in Endicott next Thursday at 8. And the Parade on the 27th at noon in Binghamton. Will I be a Nun, a penguin, or an undead combination?

Post pictures of what you've recycled into costumes on our Facebook page. May the Spirit of Halloween be with you!


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