Aerosmith bassist Tom Hamilton says 'Love XXX,' the first song on the band's upcoming 'Music From Another Dimension' album is one he hopes "grabs people by the balls." Musically it keeps a promise to return to the 'Toys in the Attic' sound. Lyrically ... it's not a great effort.

Rolling Stone reports that producer Jack Douglas is the voice doing the spacey introduction that leads into a thick Joe Perry guitar riff. There's no shortage of noise to start this album. Really it's a pretty good jam until Steven Tyler begins with "Hello, hello, hello / Come on, come on, come over / Hello, hello, hello / Until this storm blows over."

It takes over three minutes for Tyler to get to anything resembling a verse. Granted, this might be some piece of a large creative puzzle, so we'll hold back the sharpest criticisms until the song can be heard in context. Douglas may have done well to turn Perry down a bit as it's impossible to hear what Tyler and backing vocalist Julian Lennon are saying during the first or second lyrical mushroom clouds.

"Love three times a day / There ain't no other way / It's in your DNA /  Let everybody know who you am," he says during the chorus. 'Love XXX' is pronounced 'Love Three Times.' Tyler tells Rolling Stone he was "trying to make a social comment about how the world should be." It's a make-love-not-war type of thing, perfect for the son of a Beatle to jump in on, although Lennon's participation would go unnoticed if one wasn't aware of it.

The songs that have been released or leaked from 'Music From Another Dimension' reveal a project that is multi-faceted. There could be some sort of thread tying the sounds together, allowing 'Love XXX' to serve as an intended introduction. As a single (it hasn't been released in that way yet) the five-minute-plus long jam doesn't do much to excite one to grab the new album on Nov. 6.


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